Friday, May 6, 2016

I'm back, bitches!

D. Paul Fonseca

Things are moving along, just not so swiftly as I would like. I had to make some executive decisions, against the advice of my editor. However, I feel strongly that they are necessary. Seedling Jack should be available through Amazon in Print and on Kindle in October 2016. I am working with them at Create Space to tie things up and get my account set up.

In other news, the website has undergone a facelift. is now a lot more fun to look at with new free stories coming every week or so. The long awaited "Beggar's Cup" stories are going to be unfolding in the Fall with "The Badge" in its debut on the site. Keep your eyes open for more murderous short stories, with unhappy endings. I am back.

D. Paul Fonseca

Monday, January 4, 2016

The Book - Part VII

Happy New Year!  I may have exaggerated, but only a little. I completed Seedling Jack before I came back to my 9-5.  On my wintertime break, I wrapped up the story.  There's editing to be done, but I'm happy with how it works out in the end. Now it is in the hands of my faithful editor, Gabriel Magassy. Cross your fingers, people, I think that this thing will hit shelves by summer 2016.

There are things to consider. I need to work on some cover art. There is also some typesetting to be done after editing. So, this will be a little while longer. I think a trip up to Julian California is in order, to re-visit the travels of this little story.

Sometime in the next week or so, I will be putting the first ten or so chapters of Seedling Jack up on the website, (  Be alert!  I don't know how long I will keep those chapters up, but I will be encouraged by comments, or email. I will let you know when it is up.

Also, my website will be getting a face lift soon. I know, my crummy, static HTML bites.  It's time to grow and move on.

Be well, my friends.

